Thursday, 30 July 2015

Bad Habits Result in Bad Sperms

Infertility amid men is at upsurge these days. Unwholesome lifestyle, stress and improper diet are some of the major origins of low sperm count. A couple might enjoy love making, but becoming pregnant is difficult if the sperm count of the male is low. When it comes to pregnancy, many health conditions like low sperm count, sperm allergy, erectile dysfunction etc. can affect the couple. Lack of sex and loads of stress also plays a chief role in decreasing sperm count. Low sperm count is due to various things.

Here are some bad habits that affect the quality of sperms in male:

Using Laptop:  Using a laptop on the lap for a long duration of time increases the temperature in the scrotum and reduces sperm production.

Hot Bath: A hot shower is relaxing to the body, but it reduces sperm count as the temperature of the testicles are raised. This damages the sperm quality and reduces the count.

Tight Briefs: Wearing tight briefs can increase the heat in the testicles. This in turn lower the sperm counts. Prefer boxers over tight underwear.

Mobile Phone: The radiation that comes from the mobile phones have a great impact on the sperm count of men. According to studies, a mobile can reduce sperm count.

Stress: Stress is one of the major causes of many healthproblem. Taking stress not only affects your emotional health, but also leads to infertility problems in men.

Lack of sex: Making love is one of the best solutions to several sexual problems. Abstaining from sex decreases the sperm count. The sperm changes its shape and becomes stale.

Alcohol Drinking: alcohol decreases the testosterone levels which reduces the sperm count. It is one of the common causes of infertility in men.

Smoking: Tobacco can lead to impotence. So it not only reduces sperm count, but also makes a man infertile! Even smoking pot can lead to infertility.

Watching TV:  Becoming a couch potato leads to obesity and reduce sperm count. A study from the British Journal of Sports Medicine confirmed that men who do not watch a lot of TV and workout regularly have better sperm count and quality.